Tuesday, February 18, 2014

This could be a new day

I’ve been teaching for 9 years in the same district. I’ve seen a lot more changes than I expected to see in that time. These changes have been with teachers, students, administration and our culture as a whole. I’ve never been afraid of change. I’m more afraid of stagnation. Unfortunately, I’ve often felt that much of the change that I’ve seen as an educator has been more reactive than proactive. 
The consequence of reactive change is rarely productive. It is shortsighted, ineffective, and at it’s worst, political or emotional. Reactive change does not consider teachers or students. It becomes frustrating and defeating, and just another item on an educator’s already too full plate. 
I have had the privilege of attending a two day professional development that has rebooted my outlook for my own career and my view of education. For the first time, I see proactive change being employed to impact the growth of students and empower educators. I am surrounded by like-minded professionals eager to bring our students into the 21st century. We are 20 years behind schedule and the task won’t be easy, but as Kid President reminded us, “We were made to be awesome, let’s get OUT THERE.”
We have a choice. Reality is not static or predefined. We only make it static through our choices. Let’s make things possible and every day infinite.
This could be a new day.

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